Charlotte's Honor by Ellen Gable
I eagerly awaited the second installment of this trilogy. I so enjoyed the first of book, Julia’s Gifts, that I couldn’t imagine Ellen...

My new computer has me writing!
Amazon delivered my new Samsung Chrome! It's light and easy and when I joined the practice session for my online conference it clicked...

Writing Work for Old Workhorses!
I am flattered that I have been asked by the Catholic Writers Guild to contribute a class to thier online conference. I am teaching a...

Grandpa Bernie's Bedtime Stories
Wow! what a great little book! Story after story to read to your children. From a pony who hops like a kangaroo to a friendship between a...

Two Hours...
Today, for the first time in days, I wrote. I try to write at least two hours a day. Oh, I know that Stephen King locks himself in his...

Julia's Gifts by Ellen Gable
Julia, a young girl on the cusp of World War I, dreams of a man whom she’s never met, a man destined to be her beloved. Light of hair and...

Another Great Novel by Ellen Gable! See my review tomorrow!
As a young girl, Julia began buying gifts for her future spouse, a man whose likeness and personality she has conjured up in her mind, a...

Since my heart attack....
Since my heart attack… I have learned to be kind to myself. Oh! I was always kind to others. I always went out of my way to help. How I...

Since my heart attack . . .
A funny thing happened while I was talking to my grown daughter. She was asking for advice about my grandchildren when out of the blue...

The Diaries of Joseph and Mary by Dennis P. McGeehan
“Sometimes while I pray I lose all sense of time. I am lifted up, my soul fills with joy and in my mind, I see beautiful visions. Some...