"Love is in the Air Tour" featuring Sherrie Wilkins
Selah by Sherrie Yvette

Are We Lovin’ or Naw?
The term Selah (Say-La) to most simply means to think. Selah appears often at the end of a verse in the Bible particularly in the books Habakkuk and Psalms.
The title came about while mulling over ideas for book covers with a loved one. I expressed that the purpose of this poetry journal was simply to get people to stop and think outside of the realms of their daily lives he chimed, “SELAH!” I replied, “What does THAT mean!” He simply stated, “Stop and think!” I immediately texted another close friend, “What does selah mean?” Instantly she replied, “stop and think!” I was thrilled.
I knew that I was looking for a simple repeated pattern on the cover that wasn’t gender specific and my musically gifted loved one said that Selah made him think of the quarter rest symbol, which directs the musician to rest for one beat. Being so literal in my interpretation of most things I encounter, I thought that the beauty, simplicity and meaning of the musical note was perfect for what I wanted to convey. Therefore, the cover of this particular book, Selah, Stop and Think is embroidered with the musical note which urges us to rest or stop for a bit to just think.
Jesus WILL manifest or show Himself to us if we will slow down and DE-funk. In other words get out of our emotions. We already know that WE, women are some of the most emotional creatures known to MAN.
When I say emotions what immediately pops into your mind?
Imagine what comes with those words. Often times all of the angst and motions behind what we feel impede or stop us for really communing with Jesus. But he gave us those emotions to commune or have a bond with Him first; not everyone and everything else.
After all in Hebrews 11:6 it tells us that it is impossible to please Jesus without faith. How can we have Faith in Him if we are succumbing or giving into the pull of our emotions and others in place of Him? In reality those things are just, “Empty Void Fillers,” you know what we use to feel a space.
A time ago I was using MEN or their attention to fill the void that only Jesus could fill. But then I realized that…
Empty Void Fillers
(poem from Selah, Stop & Think)
People fade to black and sometimes it makes you wonder if you’ll ever get them back!
The spark and glittery sparkles that shined brightly when the brain signaled their presence.
People fade to black and often, never, come back.
They’re muted…
Dull residues remain and sometimes bring pain when a trigger signals a huge flame to arise and shock the senses.
Senses that cause a remembrance of the awesome colors that use to overwhelmingly, flood your senses.
People fade to black because it makes them look better… They wear it well.
They match everything in your life when they’re black.
Their colors aren’t intended to come back.
So just let them fade to black!
~ 2Corinthians6: 15-18 (MSG) ~
“How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:
“I’ll live in them, move into them; I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good,” says God. “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I’ll be a Father to you; you’ll be sons and daughters to me. The Word of the Master, God.”
So that poem just speaks to letting certain things and people fade away so that so that Jesus has the chance to be center stage and reveal Himself.
He will reward us when we seek Him. It tells us that in Hebrews 11:6 and I am here to testify to such.
So what ways has God, the son, Jesus revealed Himself to me.
Just by being my Savior. Jesus is like my Homie! Lol Like seriously… He pleads my cost, He brought me out of hiding when I felt like I had a reason to hide, to feel dirty, full of shame, ugly, less, not worthy of what I have now or what’s to come in the future.
Everyone who has siblings can probably think of that one gunho or ride or die sibling that will be riding for you to the end.
Well Jesus DID, die for you and He is still riding WITH you FOR you. The word tells us that if God, Jesus be for us than Who in the World can be against us… ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!
He gives the type of Love (poem from Selah, Stop & Think), that runs back and scoops you up although you're a repeat offender.
A love that is patient and kind.
It's Love who never leaves you behind.
Love is not jealous, proud or rude. Even if you decide to lock yourself in a corner, shoot up with heroine or visit the club only to return home filled up of booze.
Love doesn't demand it's own way.
Instead gently nudges, seeking to build your faith.
Love never gives up,
Never loses faith,
Is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.
Digs you out from the ruins of your sin.
Writes the check for you to cash to cancel out the debts of your sins that have you deeply rooted within.
Love is long suffering when you think you're suffering.
Love resuscitates you when life depletes you leaving you flat lined thinking you have nothing left to give.
There's hope in LOVE.
There's hope in LOVE.
When sweetness of sin is found in a bottle.
When the chocolates melt or the date on the calendar changes.
When death appears.
When you're left alone on the cold sheets listening to your own heart's beat.
When the hugs and kisses from sweet lips subside.
When society pushes your gifts and talents aside.
When the rings come off or better yet never appear.
When her beauty fades and his pockets are flat.
When emotions run high and immediately rush to low.
When you've sunk so low you have no where else to go.
It's Love that runs back and scoops you up although you're a repeat offender.
Love is not irritable, and keeps no records of wrong doings.
Love, "takes you deeper than your feet will ever wander;"
there's hope in LOVE;
"Your faith will be made stronger ALL in the presence of The Savior." ~Hillsong
Have you ever been in a dark place. I have especially as a child. I was thankful to have my sister who was just 2 years younger than me. She’s always been my first friend. But SHE GREW UP; Which we all do. I’ve never had a big brother to step up and step in front of me to protect me when I needed it. But it’s cool….there’s always been Jesus even when I’ve been so broken hearted in such a way that I just wanted to die….
Broken Hearts Shoot to Kill (Poem by Sherrie Yvette)
If they don’t die by their own pill
Calculated concoctions smother out dormant hurt
Hurt that left behind side effects.
Calculate the concoction
Stuff the vials of numbing proportion in vast proportions to seemingly sift out dormant hurt.
Stiff shots of lies to smooth the travel of calculated concoctions of vast proportions.
Reality sets in…
There’s HOPE in LOVE…
There’s HOPE in LOVE…
Calculated concoctions shut down Godly purposes
Dying in a grave where the dormant hurt should have been laid;
Buried in a grave.
Eyes forced to rest closed; they’re slain
Eyes forced to rest closed; they’re slain
Seemingly no one can reach your soul.
Bodily functions now profit you little.
Slain by calculated concoctions smoothed down by stiff shots of lies built to take you out of hurts misery.
Dead pleasures for dull pains… Dormant hurt.
Flashes of light
Concoctions pumped out by Love
He sift mangled madness
Creates a pure heart
O God renews a steadfast spirit within
We are saved
Like that BIG BROTHER, God’s son sent here to have my back. To love me with a love that’s perfect and never ending. He has NEVER stopped loving me even when I choose to ignore Him. That’s love Honey…. Never “stank acting” or judging me when I already know I am wrong, just always loving on me in such a way that only makes me want to draw closer to Him to experience more and to hear the secrets He wants to tell ME and only ME!
Jesus is love. Take time to allow Him to reveal Himself to you. Do crowd him out. Don’t allow hurt to leave you slain. And if you already feel slain, defeated, lost, hurt, confused, less, insecure allow Him to love you. Open the Bible read His words. They are true. Promise for you.
Please purchase my journal. It includes a compilation of poetry and scriptures to help you slow down and think about your daily interactions.
Jesus WILL manifest or show Himself to us if we will slow down and DE-funk. In other words get out of our emotions. We already know that WE, women are some of the most emotional creatures known to MAN.
When I say emotions what immediately pops into your mind?
Imagine what comes with those words. Often times all of the angst and motions behind what we feel impede or stop us for really communing with Jesus. But he gave us those emotions to commune or have a bond with Him first; not everyone and everything else.
After all in Hebrews 11:6 it tells us that it is impossible to please Jesus without faith. How can we have Faith in Him if we are succumbing or giving into the pull of our emotions and others in place of Him? In reality those things are just, “Empty Void Fillers,” you know what we use to feel a space.
A time ago I was using MEN or their attention to fill the void that only Jesus could fill. But then I realized that…
Empty Void Fillers
(poem from Selah, Stop & Think)
People fade to black and sometimes it makes you wonder if you’ll ever get them back!
The spark and glittery sparkles that shined brightly when the brain signaled their presence.
People fade to black and often, never, come back.
They’re muted…
Dull residues remain and sometimes bring pain when a trigger signals a huge flame to arise and shock the senses.
Senses that cause a remembrance of the awesome colors that use to overwhelmingly, flood your senses.
People fade to black because it makes them look better… They wear it well.
They match everything in your life when they’re black.
Their colors aren’t intended to come back.
So just let them fade to black!
~ 2Corinthians6: 15-18 (MSG) ~
“How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:
“I’ll live in them, move into them; I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good,” says God. “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I’ll be a Father to you; you’ll be sons and daughters to me. The Word of the Master, God.”
So that poem just speaks to letting certain things and people fade away so that so that Jesus has the chance to be center stage and reveal Himself.
He will reward us when we seek Him. It tells us that in Hebrews 11:6 and I am here to testify to such.
So what ways has God, the son, Jesus revealed Himself to me.
Just by being my Savior. Jesus is like my Homie! Lol Like seriously… He pleads my cost, He brought me out of hiding when I felt like I had a reason to hide, to feel dirty, full of shame, ugly, less, not worthy of what I have now or what’s to come in the future.
Everyone who has siblings can probably think of that one gunho or ride or die sibling that will be riding for you to the end.
Well Jesus DID, die for you and He is still riding WITH you FOR you. The word tells us that if God, Jesus be for us than Who in the World can be against us… ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!
He gives the type of Love (poem from Selah, Stop & Think), that runs back and scoops you up although you're a repeat offender.
A love that is patient and kind.
It's Love who never leaves you behind.
Love is not jealous, proud or rude. Even if you decide to lock yourself in a corner, shoot up with heroine or visit the club only to return home filled up of booze.
Love doesn't demand it's own way.
Instead gently nudges, seeking to build your faith.
Love never gives up,
Never loses faith,
Is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.
Digs you out from the ruins of your sin.
Writes the check for you to cash to cancel out the debts of your sins that have you deeply rooted within.
Love is long suffering when you think you're suffering.
Love resuscitates you when life depletes you leaving you flat lined thinking you have nothing left to give.
There's hope in LOVE.
There's hope in LOVE.
When sweetness of sin is found in a bottle.
When the chocolates melt or the date on the calendar changes.
When death appears.
When you're left alone on the cold sheets listening to your own heart's beat.
When the hugs and kisses from sweet lips subside.
When society pushes your gifts and talents aside.
When the rings come off or better yet never appear.
When her beauty fades and his pockets are flat.
When emotions run high and immediately rush to low.
When you've sunk so low you have no where else to go.
It's Love that runs back and scoops you up although you're a repeat offender.
Love is not irritable, and keeps no records of wrong doings.
Love, "takes you deeper than your feet will ever wander;"
there's hope in LOVE;
"Your faith will be made stronger ALL in the presence of The Savior." ~Hillsong
Have you ever been in a dark place. I have especially as a child. I was thankful to have my sister who was just 2 years younger than me. She’s always been my first friend. But SHE GREW UP; Which we all do. I’ve never had a big brother to step up and step in front of me to protect me when I needed it. But it’s cool….there’s always been Jesus even when I’ve been so broken hearted in such a way that I just wanted to die….
Broken Hearts Shoot to Kill (Poem by Sherrie Yvette)
If they don’t die by their own pill
Calculated concoctions smother out dormant hurt
Hurt that left behind side effects.
Calculate the concoction
Stuff the vials of numbing proportion in vast proportions to seemingly sift out dormant hurt.
Stiff shots of lies to smooth the travel of calculated concoctions of vast proportions.
Reality sets in…
There’s HOPE in LOVE…
There’s HOPE in LOVE…
Calculated concoctions shut down Godly purposes
Dying in a grave where the dormant hurt should have been laid;
Buried in a grave.
Eyes forced to rest closed; they’re slain
Eyes forced to rest closed; they’re slain
Seemingly no one can reach your soul.
Bodily functions now profit you little.
Slain by calculated concoctions smoothed down by stiff shots of lies built to take you out of hurts misery.
Dead pleasures for dull pains… Dormant hurt.
Flashes of light
Concoctions pumped out by Love
He sift mangled madness
Creates a pure heart
O God renews a steadfast spirit within
We are saved
Like that BIG BROTHER, God’s son sent here to have my back. To love me with a love that’s perfect and never ending. He has NEVER stopped loving me even when I choose to ignore Him. That’s love Honey…. Never “stank acting” or judging me when I already know I am wrong, just always loving on me in such a way that only makes me want to draw closer to Him to experience more and to hear the secrets He wants to tell ME and only ME!
Jesus is love. Take time to allow Him to reveal Himself to you. Do crowd him out. Don’t allow hurt to leave you slain. And if you already feel slain, defeated, lost, hurt, confused, less, insecure allow Him to love you. Open the Bible read His words. They are true. Promise for you.
Please purchase my journal. It includes a compilation of poetry and scriptures to help you slow down and think about your daily interactions.
About the Author:
Facebook - https://www.google.com/urlq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOriginalSherrieYvette%2

Other authors participating in the tour:
Cassandra Ulrich - http://cassandraulrich.blogspot.com/
Karen Kelly Boyce - http://donegalarizona.wixsite.com.karenkellyboyce/blog
Kyra Dune - https://theshadowportal.blogspot.com/
Lisa Middleton - http://literalleeme.weebly.com/blog
Marci Baun - http://www.marcibaun.com/blog
Patricia Middleton - http://www.patriciamiddleton.com/blog
Sherrie Wilkins - http://sherrieyvette.com/sherriesjournal